BearCY © Bear Cattlisle YAWNERSON
BearCY's HomoSite

My pages are by intent made simple enough to be able to be shown via any browser in any resolution (from 640x480 and up). Here moves only animated gifs (100% Java-less!) Here are no frames what-so-ever Enjoy!

The initial idea behind this HomoSite, was to try to mix Pantheïstic enlightenment with gay pornography; in order to promote the somewhat more intelligent gay pornography to Pantheïstic philosophers, and of course Pantheïstic Thought to gay porn-hunters who might allow themselves to get seduced by less enlightened gay sites to label themselves as feeling «perverse», «dirty», or «filthy»; just because we happen to adore gay pornography. Due to a friendly warning from my IP, however, I've had to tone down my homepage for now. I have moved everything which is «in violation with Norwegian Law» into a subdirectory which is password-protected, in order to prevent any of its contents from getting accidentally accessed through the search-engines on the Internet. You'll find out all about how to access it on my Warning-page.

DownLoad & Install, please! If you haven't got these four TrueTypeFonts installed on your computer, then the fonts on the right side will not match the picture on the left. (Please disregard any difference in size.) If so, please download them before you continue. They will show you these pages the way they were designed and intended to look. They are quite common fonts, included on the Win98 CD-ROM, and are also downloadable from the Microsoft official website. They are free to use by all, and are especially designed to be easy to read on any monitor screen. Through this link, you'll find downloadable versions for Win3x, 9x, NTx, 2000 & MacIntosh OS.  Arial Black
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This site is best viewed with these web-browsers:
Netscape Communicator.
Download Netscape Communicator!
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Download Microsoft Internet Explorer!
They're both the best of their kind, and in constant development!
They're both competitors and will continue to fight their private little war.
Please allow them the pleasure – it only gives us the best that money can buy.

This site is a continuous reflection of my state of mind. Whenever I am angry or feel defiant to anything, this is reflected by what I write. When I calm down, I immediately change the documents of attack into more digestible readings. Therefore there might be something here that you feel opposed to, or that you will even allow yourself to get provoked by. Please feel free to e-mail me about it, so that I will get the feedback I need to help me mature from the state of mind that made me write those things in the first place. Your eternal friend, .

I'll keep my current e-mail address, so if you don't find what you're looking for; please do feel free to send me a note… All links are sorted so that internal links will continue inside this window, while external links and links to pictures will force open a second window when you click on them. If you just want to download something, hold down the Shift-key while you click on the link. Or in Microsoft Windows, menu-click instead, and choose «Save Picture As…». Then a browse-box may pop up to show you where on your hard disk you saved your last file.

— An answer to those of you who seem to think that I get «thousands of letters» every day: Far from it; I do not. Please don't be timid; feel free to contact me. You'll get your answer, and do stop worrying… (what do you think I made this homepage for???) —This does not apply to commercials :)

If you discover any dead links on my pages (links that doesn't lead you where they claim to, links missing where links are told to be; either as bookmarks inside the same file, to other html-files or pics at my site, or to external sites), please notify me through e-mail! I'd be most obliged!




This site is a continuous reflection of my state of mind. Whenever I am angry or feel defiant to anything, this is reflected by what I write. When I calm down, I immediately change the documents of attack into more digestible readings. Therefore there might be something here that you feel opposed to, or will even get you angry. Please feel free to write me about it, so that I will get the feedback I need in order to mature from the state of mind that made me write those things in the first place. Yours forever, .

The cheapest and simplest solution to a difficult problem:
ADSL over Ethernet Protocol for Windows 2000
– both with or without User Profiles.
Includes screen captures made by BearCY

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Three Year Anniversary-present Idea to the World of cellular phones from BearCY

Please, do come further in and see what I've got in store for you:

About BearCY
BearCY's IT-Friends
BearCY's Work

Answer to allegations on Heresy and anti Semitic behavior

BearCY's Application Downloads
The Microsoft HomePage
Jasc's Paint Shop Pro
Ghisler's Total Commander FileManager
Download the HTML Font Colorizer here
Download the Total Control Converter 1.0s here

Pantheïsm = The wisdom that «God» is the sum of everyone and everything that exists, and that the will of «God» is the sum of every sacred free will in- and outside of this physical Universe. And therefore that every soul are to be respected for what they are and feel. That every soul is a sacred, indispensable and inseparable part of «God»; and that without «you», the Universe would have no presupposition to exist. Pantheïsm is the belief-system which is the basis for Hinduïsm, Buddhism, Shamanism and all Nature-Spirit belief-systems in this world. Pantheïsm is a belief-system. Not a religion (which is a different kind of belief-system; and which states that your soul is not any indispensable part of «God»; but is «separate», and that you as a result of this belief, do believe that you can be «lost», «damned», etc.). You don't need to share it in order to enjoy this site. More about what we think that we know, but just believe…

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