BearCYs brød
Her har jeg oppskrift for brødbakemaskin.
BearCY’s bread
Here's a recipe for use with a bread baking machine.

In the bottom of your bread baking machine:

35 centiliters of fluids, approx. 37°C (NB! not any hotter!):

approx. 5 centiliters of virgin olive oil

approx. 35 centiliters of spring water approx 40°Celsius

1—2 teaspoons of dark unrefined sugar cane syrup


On top of the liquid:

approximately 10 centiliters of filling (light beige sesame seeds, peeled sunflower seeds, and linen seeds; the dark brown polished-looking tiny ones)

approximately 10 centiliters of fine grained whole rye flour.

approximately 25 centiliters of fine grained white wheat flour (unbleached).

approximately 25 centiliters of coarse grained whole wheat flour.

1 package (approx 5 grams) of dried yeast powder (must be poured on the top of the rest of the dry stuff when you are going to select delayed time in your bread baking machine, so that it don't get in contact with the fluid).

This makes your bread hang together:

fine grained whole rye flour, oil, or melted butter /margarine.

This makes the bread rice:

Yeast, right temperature of 37°C, fine white wheat flour.

Empty the bread onto a grate and let them cool down for about 12 hours.

Put the bread inside an airtight bag and store it until it softens up evenly.

If you're baking more than one bread, cut the breads in slices, put the slices in fitting portions into plastic bags and put them inside your freezer (they can last for weeks in a frozen state, and are nice to have straight from the freezer into your toaster before use. Put one of the breads in a plastic bag and leave it in your bread box for immediate use.

This is just a suggestion and a basic recipe. Remember that the bread will get the best taste if you first memorize the recipe, and then choose all the measurements in a haphazard way. Then the bread will taste a little bit different each time you bake it, and it will become more difficult to get sick'n'tired of. This last statement counts for all recipes in the world, you trust me! I use a lot more of the seeds, syrup and oil than this recipe states, and a little different amounts of the different kinds of flour; but I haven't got any measurements of it; so I can't tell you exactly how much. Try as you get along!


I bunnen av brødbakemaskinformen:

3½ dl væske ca 37°C (NB! ikke varmere!):

ca ½ dl olivenolje

ca 3½ dl vann på ca 40°C

1—2 téskjéer med mørk sirup


Oppå væsken:

ca 1 dl fyll (sesamfrø uten skall, solsikkekjerner, linfrø)

ca 1 dl finmalt fullkorn rugmel

ca 2½ dl finbakstmel

ca 2½ dl grovt sammalt hvetemel / grovbakstmel

1 pk tørrgjær (må legges på toppen ved utsatt tid)
Dette gjør at brødet henger sammen:

fint rugmel, olje eller smeltet smør / margarin

Dette gjør at brødet hever seg:

Gjær, riktig temperatur 37°C, fint hvetemel

Velt brødet på rist, og la det kjøles i ca 12 timer.

Ha brødet i en lufttett pose og legg det i brødboksen. La det ligge til fuktigheten jevner seg ut og brødet blir jevnt mykt.

Baker du flere brød, skjær dem opp i skiver, legg skivene i passende porsjoner i fryseposer og legg dem i fryseren. Pakk ett av brødene i plastpose og ha i brødboksen.


Dette er kun forslag og grunnoppskrift. Husk at brødene blir best dersom du først lærer deg oppskriften utenat, og deretter tar alt på slump. Da smaker brødene litt forskjellig hver gang, og du går ikke så lett lei av dem. Jeg bruker nå mye mer tilsetningsfrø, sirup og olje enn oppskriften sier. Melblandingen min er også litt forskjellig. Prøv deg frem!


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